Sunday, June 12, 2011

A whole new world...a new fantastic point of view...

Sitting on my brand new yoga mat and journeying inward. It reminds me of Aladdin; a whole new world on this new carpet ride. It's been just over 24hrs in Vancouver and I feel refreshed and extremely connected to myself. I am following my dream and I know that every challenge I face is a gift that brings me closer and closer to the life of my dreams. I am present. I am grounded. I am protected. I am loved.

Squid is one of the newest members I have met on this journey. He's the cat that's feeding me love as I spend a month away from my loved ones. Oh yes, everything for a reason. He's not just my roomate's cat. He's a symbol of affection and love and we all know how much we need that in our daily lives. I am grateful for the awareness that my little friend was given to me on this trip to fuel me up, to make me laugh and smile.

What is it in your present life that you fail to notice? The people, pets, or things that symbolize love and affection. Take some time to notice that, looking too far from where you're standing isn't always where it's at. But noticing that what you need is always right infront of you. Notice what you notice about yourself. With no self judgement or beating the self up or taking on some guilt... Be thankful for the awareness that surfaced and smile. You are amazing. You are loved. First by your self and then by others . Love yourself first and I promise you, all else will flow with ease!
Are you willing to do the work? You are worth it, ya know!!

Get a new yoga mat, journey inward and In joy the new carpet ride.


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