Saturday, October 29, 2011

Be patient with yourself...

The mission of this blog is simply to get right to the point. Letting something go takes time. The process of letting go doesn't happen over night. It is important to be patient with yourself. Our fast paced society doesn't support the extent of time it can take to completely shed layers of stuff. As stuff comes up...let yourself express it however your body needs to. Honour that!!
Cry a little and maybe seek out a listener. Don't be afraid to open up to a friend. Sometimes when I need an ear or a shoulder, I try to independently be strong for myself and heal myself because I don't want to bring anyone down, BUT what I forget is that when I give an ear or shoulder, I feel good afterwards knowing I helped someone. Reach out to people, especially the ones that love never know what kind of wisdom they have up their sleeve ;)

The first step is awareness. The second step is choice.

Choose patience. Feel the emotion. Let it go.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Get your mind off of what you want and need...

In this very moment, set aside all the things you want and need as they can be endless. NOW for 5 minutes, can you make a list of all the things you are grateful for?
Start with the simple things such as, being lead to read this relfection. When you begin to stir positive energy within your body, it purifies any stagnant negative energy that may be stored within. The busy-ness in our lives doesn't allow us to take a moment to just STOP.  It is within us to be so connected to ourselves to recognize when it is time to STOP.

So STOP and be feel the gratitude flowing in you...

I am grateful for my toothbrush...

Meditations can be in the form of sitting in silence, but they can also be in the form of a reflection. You deserve to take your mind off of all the things you want and need. Reflect on what you already have.

The universe loves gratitude just as we all love to be gratified. Let this positive energy flow through you and brighten every cell in your beautiful being.

NA MA STE - the light in me honours the light in you!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Universe

The Universe only gives you what you can handle. The Universe is always on your side, even when at times it seems otherwise. The Universe gives you what you want; all you have to do is ask and open up to receive it. The Universe supports you and presents opportunities to you and all you have to do is notice and decide. The universe has many other names, such as God, Life, Source, Higher Force.

Whatever it is that you choose to call it...keep the faith, the hope, the positive energy flowing through you because life will present you with obstacles and it is in how you choose to respond that will create your tomorrow's.

Love the universe and all that it has given loves you right back!!

The light in me shines through the light in you :)